Aber TB 2024

ABER TB 2024 - Aberystwyth University

The Social Dimensions of TB control - 18th Sept. 2024

Aber TB 2024 - Programme

Hosted by the Sêr Cymru Centre of Excellence for Bovine TB, Wales Veterinary Science Centre, Aberystwyth University and VetHub1.

In previous years we have brought you TB conferences focusing on TB testing, Biosecurity, Wildlife and this year’s theme of ‘The Social Dimensions of TB control’ is equally, if not more important for implementing effective disease control and eradication.

Collaboration, empowerment and engagement is essential for the continued fight against bovine TB here in Wales. This year the AberTB conference will be exploring the social dimensions of bovine TB including behaviour change science and the importance of involving all stakeholders in the Co-production and Co-Design of policy and disease control interventions including examples of successful cases where Government, Industry and the Veterinary Profession have worked together to eradicate TB.

We hope you will join us for a thought-provoking conference where we will ask ourselves how we can run a successful regional approach to TB eradication in Wales?

Download the programme here: AberTB 2024 Programme


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