UKRI Future Leaders Fellowships
Future Leaders Fellowships – UKRI @Aberystwyth
Round 10 of the UK Research and Innovation (UKRI) Future Leader Fellowships (FLF) scheme has been announced and Aberystwyth University is inviting expressions of interest from applicants who wish to apply for a UKRI FLF with The Department of Life Sciences, at Aberystwyth University as the host.
The aim of the FLF scheme aims to develop the next wave of world-class research and innovation leaders in academia, businesses and other innovative environments. The scheme supports universities, research institutes, and businesses to develop their most talented researchers, innovators and potential leaders or to attract new people to their organisations. The scheme is also open to international applicants looking to take up a role at a UK-based organisation.
Applicants should familiarise themselves with the funder’s call document to establish their suitability for the scheme. Full details of the scheme can be found on the UKRI website.
The Department of Life Sciences at Aberystwyth University is an internationally recognised research and teaching centre, providing a unique base for research in response to global challenges such as food security, bioenergy and sustainability, infectious diseases and the impacts of climate change, as well as pure discovery science. Our experts conduct research on genes and molecules, whole organisms and the environment, and are recognised for leading world-renowned research. For example, Aberystwyth University’s pioneering work helps to tackle the devastating impact of parasitic flatworms, which cause disease in people and livestock, and was recognised in the 2023 Queens Anniversary Prizes.
Aberystwyth University have a maximum of 2 available places and are seeking suitable candidates that will complement the below research areas.
Candidates are welcomed in the following areas:
- Host pathogen interaction (working with the Sêr Cymru Centre of Excellence for Bovine TB (CBTB) and VetHub1),
- Animal and human parasitology,
- Sustainable agriculture and healthy food,
- Climate change adaptation and mitigation,
- Interconnected animal and human health,
- Exploring and conserving biodiversity.
Facilities and environment:
Aberystwyth is surrounded by a beautiful natural environment and diverse habitats. Nestled between the Cambrian Mountains and Cardigan Bay it provides a rugged landscape of rolling hills, valleys, sand and sea. The famous national parks, of Snowdonia and Pembrokeshire, sit a short distance north and south of Aberystwyth, respectively, providing a great opportunity for an enjoyable work life balance.
The following research facilities at Aberystwyth are second to none and we encourage applicants to consider creating their own application around the use of the state-of-the-art equipment.
Aberystwyth University supports both the Sêr Cymru Centre of Excellence for Bovine TB (CBTB) and VetHub1, two facilities which are set in the heart of Aberystwyth University Campus. The CBTB is a collaborative and interdisciplinary research hub of expertise on bovine TB (bTB) based at AU which aims to support Welsh Government in the eradication of the disease and provide international leadership in the field. VetHub1 provides world class secure facilities to study animal and human pathogens. Both facilities will provide Future Leader Fellows access to world leading academic expertise and state of the art Containment Level 2 and Containment Level 3 laboratory equipment for working with dangerous pathogenic microorganisms. Together with VetHub1, some of the key research facilities provided by the Department of Life Sciences includes: Class I, Class II and Class III Microbiological Safety Cabinets, Microscopy – samplre preparation platforms, slide scanning, fluorescent and brightfield (Zeiss Axio Scan Z1 and Axio Imager Z2) laser scanning confocal microscopes (TCS SP5 and SP8), High-throughput molecular (qRT-PCR QuantStudio 7 and 12 and digital PCR) and immunological (ELISA) assays, ELISPOT Reader (CTL Immunospot S6 Universal), Multiplex Analyser (Luminex 200), Automated liquid handling (Eppendorf EpMotion 5070 and 5075t), Flow Cytometry – Analyser (Beckman Coulter Cytoflex LX) and cell sorter (Miltenyi Biotec Tyto), Metabolic Analysis (Agilent Seahorse XF platform), Single Cell Analysis System (Becton Dickenson Rhapsody), Transcriptomics (Nanostring Sprint Profiler), Microinjection (WPI Microinjector MICRO ePUMP with air table.
Animal facilities enable dairy cow and sheep research to be conducted on both lowland and upland farm platforms. Facilities include access to the AU sheep flock, and the AU dairy herd, including recently installed automated milking robots. The department also hosts the CIEL small ruminant research platform (£1.4M, Innovate UK and Aberystwyth University), which includes access to specialist equipment such as respiration and methane emissions chambers, facilitating the monitoring of ruminant nutrition and metabolism. The department also has excellent equine provision including stabling for 60 horses and a dedicated equine research facility. The department maintains a contemporary and generously sized recirculating seawater aquarium and freshwater aquarium unit.
The Department of Life Sciences also maintains a Schistosoma mansoni lifecycle in a newly renovated Biological Service Unit and an automated, high-throughput platform (Molecular Devices High Content Imager, Agilent Cytation 7) for identifying new compounds as next-generation anthelmintics.
The application process:
Please email to request further information if required. Templates for an expression of interest form and CV will be sent to you and should be returned, by 23-01-2025.
An internal Aberystwyth University application panel will then assess and select the 2 applications that will go forward to the full application stage. Please see a summary of the internal AU process below:
- Prospective candidates will submit an expression of interest (EOI) and CV to by 23.01.2025.
- The expression of interest (EOI) will be considered by a panel within the Department of Life Sciences.
- Successful EOI’s will automatically progress through to AU’s departmental-wide assessment committee, which is Chaired by the Pro-Vice Chancellor for Research.
- Successful candidates will be notified of the outcome and full proposals must be submitted to UKRI by 18-06-2025
We welcome applicants from all backgrounds and communities and, those that are currently underrepresented in our workforce. This includes but is not limited to Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic candidates, candidates with disabilities, and female candidates.
For general queries, please contact Jackie Sayce with UKRI in the subject line.
Past Events
ABER TB 2025 - Aberystwyth University
Vaccinations - 17th Sept. 2025
Hosted by the Sêr Cymru Centre of Excellence for Bovine TB, Wales Veterinary Science Centre, Aberystwyth University and VetHub1.