VetHub1 is dedicated to developing veterinary research in Wales. We aim to help establish Wales as a globally recognised centre of expertise in cattle and sheep diseases.
To do so we provide state of the art containment facilities, infrastructure and expertise to lead and promote research into livestock disease. VetHub1 welcomes new research collaborations (contact Prof. Karl Hoffmann and its activities integrate the current strengths of veterinary research and expertise at Aberystwyth:
Agriculture and waste management Agriculture in both Ireland and Wales comprises strong dairy and beef industries. These industries are significant…
AberInnovation provides world-leading facilities and expertise within the biotechnology, agri-tech, and food and drink sectors. Set in stunning scenery between…
CIEL: The centre for innovation excellence in livestock VetHub¹ also aligns its activities with those of CIEL through the Small Ruminant…
Johnes Disease
Caused by a bacterium, Mycobacterium avium subspecies paratuberculosis (commonly known as MAP), this chronic disease progressively damages the intestines of…
A Centre of Excellence for Bovine TB in Wales (CBTB)
Aligning with the stated policy of the Welsh Government (; Aberystwyth University supported by funding from Welsh Government, the Higher…
Expertise in livestock parasites has long been associated with Aberystwyth University with a particular focus on liver and rumen flukes.…